Recent Work

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Here is a small selection of the projects we’ve been working on recently.

River Peffery Restoration: In 2022 we re-meandered a section of the River Peffery using funding from NatureScot’s Biodiversity Challenge Fund. This involved creating 600m of new river channel and over 6 ha of associated pond, wetland and floodplain habitat.

Achiltibuie Crofting Project

Achiltibuie Crofting Project: We’re currently working with crofters in Achiltibuie to develop a plan to integrate woodland creation, peatland restoration and livestock grazing on their common grazings. 

Farmer Clusters in Scotland: We recently helped write a report on how we can develop more farmer clusters in Scotland. You can read it here.

Farmer Clusters in Scotland
West Loch Ness Farm Cluster

West Loch Ness Farm Cluster: We have also been assisting with the facilitation of this project which includes a range of farms, estates and crofts.  This includes working on a wide range of habitat management projects, including the restoration of the Moniak Marsh (see photo).

Ben Lawers Grazing Project: We’ve been working with the National Trust for Scotland (NTS) and local farmers to help improve grazing management on the hill. As well as chairing the local Sheep Management Group, we recently helped the NTS develop plans for the re-introduction of cattle grazing on Ben Lawers.

Ben Lawers Grazing Project
Balgavies Loch Diffuse Pollution Project

Balgavies Loch Diffuse Pollution Project: We’ve been working with land managers to reduce inputs of sediment and nutrients into the Balgavies Loch SSSI. Using AECS and Nature Restoration Funding, this has included the installation of a comprehensive swale, sediment trap and pond system on the south side of the loch.